
8:30: Children Arrive - Hang up coats and backpacks, visit the bathroom and wash hands.

8:40: Morning Meeting - We begin each day with our Good Morning song. We’ll check in to see how everyone is feeling with Zones of Regulation, then provide an explanation for the materials and activities available that day. 

8:45: Free Exploration - Children are provided adequate time to explore the toys and materials in our classroom. This offers great opportunities for socializing, as well as teacher modeling of cooperative play skills and problem solving. 

Clean Up: We all work together to clean up our toys and materials in the classroom. These belong to all of us and it is important we learn to take care of our things. 

9:30: Circle Time - We gather on the carpet to sing songs, count, learn about the month, days of the week and date. We forecast the weather, dress the weather frog and focus on the letter of the week. For our 3 & 5 day classes, we will also incorporate patterns, graphing, sight words, letter formation and early literacy skills during this time. 

10:00: Snack Time - Before we go to the cafeteria for snack time, we stop to use the bathroom and wash our hands. Our class sits together for snack time. Children are encouraged to try to open their snacks independently, but we are always there to help!

10:30: Project - Our daily projects encompass age appropriate math, early literacy, science, and fine motor skills. Teacher instruction and modeling allows children to learn and create projects that are thematic based.

11:00: Packing Up & Recess: Children will learn to independently dress and pack their backpack. Outside we have a playground with a slide, swings, opportunities for climbing, riding bikes, running, and exploring nature. If we have inclement weather we will use the cafeteria for organized indoor play such as obstacle courses, games, and dance.         

11:30: Dismissal